Project 2025 is a right-wing manifesto aimed at destroying Black cultures, communities and people. From access to birth control, to protecting us from discrimination at work, and of course, allowing police offers’ freedom to kill Black and Brown communities without punishment. There are no marginalized groups that Project 2025 doesn’t hurt.
Color Of Change denounces Project 2025. We’re here to arm you with the tools needed to fight back against hate. More than just voting. More than just social media content. But we’re providing actual, tangible talking points to help make substantive change in your community.
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Project 2025 is a right-wing manifesto aimed at destroying Black cultures, communities, and people. From access birth control, to dismantling workplace discrimination, and allowing police officers freedom to kill Black and Brown communities without punishment, there is no marginalized group that Project 2025 doesn’t hurt.

Color Of Change denounces Project 2025, and we're here to equip you with the tools to fight back against hate. It’s about more than just voting or sharing social content– but real, tangible, talking points to help make substantive change in your community.
Project 2025 is a direct attack on Black people. Help us ensure that this doesn’t become a reality.
Over two thirds of Project 2025’s authors were part of the Trump Administration. Not only that, over 100 conservative organizations helped create this manifesto.

Some of the top authors are:
At Color Of Change, we are committed to creating systems that foster justice and equity for Black communities.
We stand against Project 2025 and its most insidious proposals. From our Winning Justice campaign, which supports progressive District Attorneys, to our efforts in holding Big Tech accountable for misinformation, and advocating for fairer tax systems, we have always been at the forefront of defending Black lives.

We must continue to fight, advocate, and vote to ensure Project 2025 does not become our future.

About project 2025
Project 2025 is a radical right-wing manifesto intent on reversing decades of progress for Black communities and dismantling democracy.
This hateful agenda, disguised as policy, seeks to restrict voting rights, eliminate the Department of Education, and strip away protections for marginalized workers.
Project 2025 isn’t just a brainchild of The Heritage Foundation. There are over 100 conservative organizations involved with creating this playbook.

Who’s Behind project 2025

The Heritage Foundation, a powerful conservative think tank, is the primary force behind Project 2025.
Though it presents itself as just another think tank, the Heritage Foundation, along with the 100+ organizations on the Project 2025 Advisory Board, has meticulously mapped out a dangerous and destructive plan to impose their agenda.
Connection to Project 2025
The Heritage Foundation’s influence permeates every aspect of Project 2025. Some of the most harmful elements of this plan originate directly from the advisory board and the foundation’s ethos, including:
  • Reducing wages for working people
  • Dismantling social safety net programs
  • Reversing decades of civil rights progress
  • Redefining societal norms
  • Undermining our economy
Despite the Trump campaign’s denials, the Trump administration embraced nearly two-thirds of the Heritage Foundation’s proposals within the first year of his last term.
how to fight
project 2025
This isn’t a hypothetical– it’s real. We’re providing you with the talking points you need to discuss Project 2025 and mobilize your community.

Click each section to equip yourself with talking points necessary to mobilize against Project 2025.

Project 2025 is built on the foundation that “white is right” in America.

Trump and his allies aim to:

  • Nationally strip reproductive healthcare access nationwide.
  • Limit Black students’ educational and job opportunities by prioritizing white students.
  • Turn the Department of Justice (DOJ) against progressive prosecutors, potentially increasing police misconduct and Black murders at the hands of law enforcement.
  • Revoke the rights of LGBTQ+ communities.
  • And much more.


Black voters led the charge in winning the 2020 election and defeated several right-wing candidates in 2022. When we unite, we can do it again by casting our votes for Harris/Walz this November.

Project 2025 seeks to permanently remove women’s rights to decide about their own bodies.

Trump and his allies aim to:

  • Reinstate the Comstock Act, a law that could institute a backdoor nationwide abortion ban. 
  • Ban Plan B across all states.
  • Eliminate free contraception access for 48 million women.
  • Classify contraceptives as abortion medication.
  • Eliminate In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).


These attacks on reproductive freedom disproportionately harm Black people and their families at every turn.

Project 2025’s goal is to strip LGBTQ+ individuals and their families of their rights.

Trump and his allies aim to:

  • Remove transgender protections in schools and businesses.
  • Allow businesses to deny access and service to LGBTQ+ people. 
  • Withdraw public funding from institutions that don’t align with conservative values.
  • Overlook workplace discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.


If Project 2025 becomes a reality, LGBTQ+ people won’t feel safe in our country and face life-threatening risks.

According to Project 2025, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is synonymous with “White Lives Don’t Matter.” In reality, DEI benefits everyone.


Trump and his allies aim to:


  • Eliminate federal DEI programs designed to address and resolve racial and gender inequality in the workforce.
  • Remove terms related to diversity and representation from government documents, effectively erasing diverse groups.
  • Make discussions about slavery, the Civil Rights era, and America’s racist history ineligible for school curricula.
  • Allow companies to back away from DEI commitments due to lack of accountability.


Our country thrives when diversity, equity, and inclusion are valued– not stifled.

Criminal Justice reform creates a safer, more just world for Black communities. Project 2025 opposes this progress.


Trump and his allies aim to:


  • Allow police officers to go unpunished when they target Black communities.
  • Increase policing and impose harsher sentencing for Black and Brown communities.
  • Allow police misconduct and police brutality go unchecked.
  • Impose harsher penalties on peaceful protestors, leading to more Black people being killed. 


A more just and humane world for Black people is possible, but Project 2025 eliminates the progress we’ve made.

Limiting education limits the ability of individuals to advocate for themselves– this is the goal of Project 2025.


Trump and his allies aim to:


  • Dismantle the Department of Education, increasing educational disparities and education quality for Black and Brown people.
  • Eradicate programs like Head Start, that help low-income families succeed.
  • Eliminate student debt cancellation programs, widening the racial wealth gap.
  • Remove school nutrition programs, deepening racial health disparities.


Education is a tool for elevating and escaping systemic oppression. This attack on education is deliberate.

Project 2025 seeks to permanently remove women’s rights to decide about their own bodies.
Trump and his allies aim to:
  • Reinstate the Comstock Act, a law that could institute a backdoor nationwide abortion ban.
  • Ban Plan B across all states.
  • Eliminate free contraception access for 48 million women.
  • Classify contraceptives as abortion medication.
  • Eliminate In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).
These attacks on reproductive freedom disproportionately harm Black people and their families at every turn.